Greetings friends telling. I wrote this article implored the friends telling you, that I consider to be the loyal visitors, can give me advice, to what I was dealing with. This is quite uncomfortable for us the true blogger. At the date of June 26, 2013 at 1:49 am, I was very surprised with what I got. At that time I was idly browsing the search for trending topics or other interesting things in the virtual world or the real world (for inspiration). I usually find inspiration in addition to also check how many pages related to page ajitusupratikno, why I am doing this because I'm trying to increase google pagerank. I was not surprised when there was an increase of a few months ago, from 5000 to 8000 related to ajitusupratikno page. I automatically love dong, but when I added SHOCK at number 3 there is a blog that I do not know, put my post titled replacement ajitusupratikno blog logo. Unbelievable shock me, I automatically was playing there (the blog). Sure enough, signs of this blog is a bit troubling me, because the contents of this blog almost 89% is the content of my blog. I asked myself, what is actually happening. I am still confused, does this impact on the freedom that I gave to your friend telling or impact other cybercrimes?. At first I was happy, but just 2-3 minutes. it's really taking all the contents of my post.

Until now I am still confused friend telling. What should I do? Bust him? or prioritize enhancing the security content of my blog? I need your advice. Maybe I didreact too much. I actually did not make a copy-paste of origin through a process of editing first. Unlike a blog that I mentioned above. I was really embarrassed and angry, there are bloggers like this admin. Honestly, confirmation or asking permission he had never done. I do not know what the motive behind it and I was really disappointed at all. We are loyal blog visitors ajitusupratikno to give her advice, what should I do. Thank you.