Download Windows Defender 1.1.1593

Salam sahabat jitu, artikel software kali ini akan memberikan sebuah aplikasi wajib yang harus terpasang di komputer atau laptop berbasis windows. Windows Defender adalah sebuah program anti spyware dan malware yang menggunakan acuan microsoft tentunya. Penjelasannya menggunakan bahasa inggris ya.
Windows Defender is software that helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software by detecting and removing known spyware from your computer. Windows Defender features Real-Time Protection, a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it's detected, minimizes interruptions, and helps you stay productive.
The benefits of installing Windows Defender include:

  • Spyware detection and removal
  • Improved Internet browsing safety
  • Protection against the latest threats
Windows Defender is enhanced by SpyNet, a community that brings Windows Defender users together to identify and share information about spyware. This community reports potential threats identified by the Windows Defender real-time system agents to the SpyNet servers, which catalog and update the system to help protect you from new spyware threats.
Nah, ukuran file pun sangat kecil, yakni tidak lebih dari 5MB. Silakan klik link dibawah ini.
Semoga program ini menambah aman komputer atau laptop anda, mari kita coba, saya pun sudah mencobanya. Sampai jumpa diartikel berikutnya, salam sahabat jitu.